A chalet is a unit with a bathroom, a small lounge and a fully equipped kitchenette. Some of our chalets have open plan sleeping areas and some have separate bedrooms. Please see the detail of each of the chalets below:
Kingfisher - Open plan, 4 sleeper with bathroom and small fully equipped kitchenette and solar
Lovebird - Open plan 5 sleeper with bathroom and small fully equipped kitchenette and solar
Hadeda - 3 Bedroom, 6 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen
Visarend - 3 Bedroom, 6 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen and solar
Kiewiet - 2 Bedroom, 4 sleeper with 2 bathrooms and small, fully equipped kitchen
Geelvis - 3 Bedroom, 6 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen
Blouvalk - 3 Bedroom, 8 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen
Tarentaal - Open plan, 1 Bedroom, 2 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen with communal scullery
Geelvink - Bedroom, 7 sleeper with 1 bathrooms and small, fully equipped kitchen and solar
Baber - 2 Bedroom, 4 sleeper with 1 bathrooms and small, fully equipped kitchen and solar
Volstruis - 1 Bedroom, 2 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen and solar
Piet my vrou - 1 Bedroom, 2 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen
Graskarp - 1 Bedroom, 1 sleeper with bathroom and small, fully equipped kitchen